Hartsdown Sixth Form has a brand-new home! The newly purpose-built 6th form centre offers excellent post-16 education while encouraging independence and maturity.

To increase awareness and appeal to new students and parents alike, the school's leadership team commissioned LMPP Studio to develop a visual identity for the Sixth Form offer. This includes posters, postcards, staff lanyards, introduction packs, apparel, bags, stamps, and badges, across all the building's wayfinding graphics, digital and print touchpoints, including the website and social media.

Creative Strategy | Visual Language | Website Build & Design | Photography & Art Direction | Content Creation | Social Media & Digital Campaigns


Hartsdown Academy Logo Design Refresh by LMPP Studio — Branding Agency
Hartsdown Academy Website Design by LMPP Studio
Hartsdown Academy Design by LMPP Studio
Hartsdown Academy Form Lanyards by LMPP Studio
Hartsdown Academy Design by LMPP Studio Folder and Lanyard
Hartsdown Academy Branding by LMPP Studio
Hartsdown Academy Brochures by LMPP Studio
Hartsdown Academy Sixth Form Branding by LMPP Studio — Branding Agency