Our client Esther Stanhope - 'The Impact Guru' is launching her first webinar in her 'Top Hacks Series' — Go Esther and rock the Mic!
I’m preparing for the LIVE ‘How to Boost Your Inner Confidence’ Webinar.
It’s my top 7 hacks (seriously life-changing shortcuts).
It’s a subject close to my heart because I’ve had to hack into my inner confidence many times. I’ve overcome my fears and voice of doubt and I’ve helped thousands of women (& men) all over the world overcome theirs.
I’d love to share some my easy-to-adopt & practical tips for you to kick off your summer. (I’ll be sending you some fun homework too).
These comments (mainly from women) inspired me to put my 27 years of experience into a fun bite-sized lunch and learn webinar….
“I’m not confident to be myself”
“I’m not confident in front of senior management’
“I lack confidence to speak out in the boardroom”
“I don’t ask for more money, I haven’t got the confidence”
‘I’m waiting to be confident before I go for the promotion, any tips?’
“The only thing holding me back is confidence”
Can you relate to these? I can. I’ve had to work on my inner-confidence just like 100s of women I meet every day.
So my question to you today is – how much self-confidence do you have in your career? Is the lack of it holding you back?
How much confidence do you have in your ability to succeed?
You’ll love it. It’s a simple, fun way to develop more confidence and it is LOADED FULL OF Secret Shortcuts.
How To Boost Your Inner Confidence – 7 Top Hacks