branding agency — Journal

branding agency

Ice Cream Magic

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Offbeat have opened a new store and guess what?... they’re selling ice cream

Donut and ice cream lovers, we have been working with the team over at Offbeat creating a new offering to the awesome Offbeat brand.

Ice cream donuts burgers, sundae sandwiches with loaded ice cream cones and awesome ice cream shakes. All made fresh on-site at the brand spanking new store on Westmoreland Street, and the brand new ice cream range will be sold exclusively here.

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Banish that FEAR!

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Our client Esther Stanhope, came to us with a long term project. To form a partnership and design a series of books with the creative freedom to express our design and illustration style to match her awesome and original scripts. Given this freedom inspired some of our best work.

Upon showing her each chapter we looked forward to the usual feedback of “I Bloody love this…"

Her first book titled - ‘ Goodbye Glossophobia - Banish your fear of public speaking’

“Can you believe standing on a stage in front of hundreds of people has become my comfort zone? It could be yours!"

Once upon a time, Esther Stanhope was just like you. She was shaky, red-faced and stumbling on stage. Now she speaks to audiences all over the world - and it's her mission to help you say goodbye to Glossophobia too.

This book is for you if you...

Available on Amazon: Goodbye Glossophobia

Online on her website:

Luxury Skincare helping the ocean's ecosystems

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Marine-based skincare is having a major moment right now. NOR Skincare is founded on sea-based ingredients alone. Marine ingredients like seaweed, sea water, and sea salt aren’t just a fad or a skincare trend, there’s actually so much science behind them. Not only do they possess anti-inflammatory and anti-aging qualities, they’re full of minerals that restore, replenish and hydrate our skin.


Ocean water is a powerful antidote for all skin care issues as it contains a nearly identical chemical composition and mineral concentration found in our blood plasma. This means, by adding seawater to your skincare regime, you can replenish some of the minerals that it loses on a daily basis. When our cell function is out of balance, our skin becomes dull and dehydrated as nutrients are not absorbed properly.

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Seaweed is one of the fastest growing organisms on the planet and is packed with beauty-boosting ingredients. Most importantly, it’s full of natural hydrators that help draw moisture back into the skin. Yet it’s also a rich source of vitamin E, another well-known hydrator, as well as vitamin B and C. All of which, will not only help fight pigmentation but brighten your skin, while protecting it from free radicals that cause premature aging. As it’s a marine ingredient it has a high mineral content, which will help strengthen your skin’s epidermal barrier, protecting it from damaging external factors, like pollution or sun damage. As if it couldn’t get any better, algae are also full of proteins and amino acids which will plump your skin, making it look and feel soft and radiant.

Sea salt

A main benefit of sea salt is the mineral magnesium.  Magnesium is great for your skin because it helps get rid of dry skin.  This will help improve the texture of skin and skin hydration.

Sea salt is laden with minerals, including magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium, all of which play a key role in our skin's health, function, and cellular communication. When your skin's mineral balance is off-kilter, symptoms such as dryness, dullness, irritation, and blotchiness ensue, especially as colder, dryer weather sets in. Sea salt from the kitchen can act as an exfoliant, it may have antimicrobial properties, and its minerals may diminish inflammation

New Work. Fashion branding and Art Direction.

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Is Los Angeles streetwear having a moment? It seems that way, "LA is maybe not the birthplace, but it's the home of streetwear right now,". There are other hubs that have had their own success stories and moments throughout the rise of streetwear as a category, like London, Tokyo and, of course, New York; but right now, there are more promising brands coming out of LA than ever, many of them blurring the line between streetwear and high fashion.

LA is truly in cass—la DNA. Founder Cass Dent was directly inspired by the rapid gentrification his hometown of Venice, CA, when he launched the line. "I felt like our culture was just stolen from us and we were policed out of our own neighborhood; cass—la was a way to keep our culture and traditions alive," he explains, adding: "We went to elementary here; we went to high school here, so did our parents and their parents. We were here during the riots; we were here in the '90s; we were here for all of is, and we speak the true story of how it really was and is. A lot of people speak up for a culture that they were never really a part of, we don't do that."

LMPP Studio worked as it’s lead global agency from 2018 when they were a start-up fashion brand with a vision to become one of the world’s leading ready to wear labels.

We worked closely with the founder and leadership team to set out their growth roadmap, brand and creative comms, and generally how they presented themselves to the world.

This carefully orchestrated plan that spanned over a year period, and led to collaborations with influential retail partnerships, transition from off schedule presentations, to London and then onto Paris, stand alone store launch and ultimately label dominance with the fashion cognoscenti.